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There are many examples of first aid throughout history with early examples, mainly related to war, dating back to 500 BC. Artificial respiration was not introduced until the 19th century, and it wasn’t until the middle of the 20th century that health care professionals began to use this technique as a means of maintaining oxygenated blood flow to the brain and other vital organs in emergency situations.

Although the benefits of first aid knowledge are widely known today, it is estimated that only one in ten people have taken a first aid course. The majority of first aid courses last no more than one day and cover a range of CPR and first aid techniques. Often you can even ask your employer to pay for your first aid training, so what’s stopping you?

The importance of first aid cannot be overestimated. Among its main advantages:

You will gain confidence

You may feel that you can perform first aid treatments if it comes down to that, but do you really have the ability to perform emergency first aid without proper training? The Office of National Statistics for England and Wales states that one third of employees say they would attempt to provide first aid without taking a certified course. In a life-or-death situation, you want someone who knows what they’re doing. Becoming certified in first aid will give you the confidence to assess and manage accidents, recognize the signs and symptoms of injury and illness, and seek help if necessary.

You could save a life

There is an 80% chance that a situation will occur and that you will need to know first aid in your lifetime (5), whether at work or at home. People who work with the public, especially those in the security sector, are even more likely to be exposed to occupational accidents. Don’t leave the fate of a loved one or a complete stranger to chance. First aid training will provide you with the knowledge you need to save a life with most first aid courses teaching CPR, how to use an automated external defibrillator and bandage injuries.

It could save yours

Imagine this, you’re off on an early morning run, miles from home. You fall and sustain a serious injury. Naturally, you will call for help, but what do you do in the meantime? First aid will be on hand. You could save a life with first aid training, that life could be yours.

The quicker the action, the quicker the recovery.

The first few minutes after the accident are the most crucial, and with ambulances taking an average of eight minutes to arrive at the scene of an incident after their call, you could make all the difference. Research shows that when prompt action is taken in the event of illness or injury before further assistance is provided, it not only saves lives, but can reduce the patient’s recovery time.

Opens a lot of doors

The Health and Safety Executive states that “the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure that their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or become ill at work” . A first aid certificate on your resume could help you advance your career or make you more desirable to potential employers.

There is no denying it, the importance of first aid certification cannot be overestimated. There’s a long list of pros and no cons, so what’s stopping you? Spend a day getting certified first aid and saving a life.